It’s the movie you watched last week, the book you read last night, the quote you highlighted, the conversation you had over dinner, the way your sauce fell on the plate, the political tweet you disagreed with, the note you revisited from a year ago, the song lyric that stopped you in your tracks, and the question that made you think… that turned into a novel idea in your head.
You connected the dots between all those things.
But that only happens when you observe with curiosity. When you’re open to seeing another way (outside of what you already know and have experienced). An idea only surfaces when you’ve primed your mind to seek interesting problems to solve, and when you can tune out the noise to listen to listen to the sound of your own voice. (It’s there).
A blank canvas appears in front of you, when you give yourself time and space. Away from the buzz of your phone and the distractions of the world, constantly pulling at you.
Now that you have an idea. The real work begins.